301-I Thought Women Don’t Care About a Man’s Looks?
I’ve heard this statement, that women don’t choose their dates (and mates) based on how handsome they are, so many times that I’ve come to believe it. But then I read this news story about how these three guys got arrested in Saudi Arabia by the religious police and charged with being too handsome. They were quickly deported to avoid kindling the desire of modest Saudi women.
But don’t the Saudi religious police (I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true!) understand that women don’t care that much about how a man looks? I mean, aren’t they confident that their women will stay loyal to their oil rich husbands, even if they are packing a few extra kilos of camel fat under their flowing white robes?
Maybe these clerical cops know something I don’t? Maybe the thing about women not caring about looks is just a myth concocted and spread by women who recognize the severe shortage of eligible, gainfully engaged, bachelors who can be even loosely categorized as good looking or handsome?
Ok, I’ll cut the sarcasm and get right to the point. I think women absolutely care about how their man looks and are (at least initially) attracted to handsome men. Why do you think the leading men in movies and TV are super handsome? But what makes women different from men is that while they might initially find handsome men attractive, their longer term sense of attraction is more heavily weighted to other qualities including personality, sincerity, ambition and yes, financial capability. Men, on the other hand, give the physical attractiveness of their women way more importance than the other qualities.
I’ve seen really good looking guys date beautiful women but eventually get dumped when those women (who were initially so taken) got to know their other qualities. Many of these women then did end up with guys whom they might not have been initially attracted to. Some of them are still searching for the “perfect” guy.
For the men out there who think they don’t have to mind their appearance because women don’t care anyway, women DO CARE, especially at the initial meeting stage. So you better get your act together or risk losing out on a lot of great opportunities to the guys who do make an effort to look good. No, you still won’t be able to compete with Don Draper, but you’ll have a much better shot with a lot more great women.
So, a big shout out to the over zealous, jihad loving band of Saudi Arabia’s finest beat walking, camel riding, clerical cops for teaching us all that women DO CARE about a man’s looks.
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