301-Will going vegetarian make you look better?
Being overweight can create problems in every area of your life. Not only can it compromise your physical health, but it can also create issues regarding self image and relationships (especially when it comes to dating). The formula for maintaining a healthy weight and having a good body is not just consuming fewer calories than you expend. What especially matters is where you’re getting your calories from.
Most people tend to think that if they adopt a vegetarian lifestyle they will automatically lose weight. There are a large percentage of vegetarians that eat way too many starchy carbohydrates in an attempt to cut out other foods. Additionally, even the Raw Foodists who eat no grains at all still may not be making the wisest choices when it comes to calories. Just because you are eliminating meat does not mean that there are no consequences to eating unlimited amounts of nuts, seeds, avocados, and other healthy oils. All the foods mentioned above are extremely healthy and necessary for vegetarians, but these are not “free foods” just because they come from the plant kingdom.
Many vegetarians surpass the meat and potato eaters in terms of fat, calories, and carbohydrates without realizing it! With that being said, I think a vegetarian diet is a very smart lifestyle choice if done correctly. The bulk of this type of diet should come from organic fruits and vegetables. Then it is important to include nuts and legumes for protein. I don’t recommend eating excessive amounts of soy burgers, fake meats, and other foods that try to replace the real thing. All those foods come with a new set of problems, when you think you’re doing yourself a favor by nixing the steak. Many of those meat substitutes contain MSG, gluten, and even worse, excitotoxins that can cause a host of health problems as well as accelerate aging.
If you are one of those people like me that feels good with more protein, I suggest eating mostly fish during week and treating yourself with meat on occasion, just like you would a rich dessert. Although a lean chicken breast is low in calories, you want to be sure that it is not injected with hormones and unhealthy “feeds”. Organic cuts are your best bet to avoid this problem. For some additional low calorie proteins, you may want to consider low fat or not fat Greek yogurt, as well as organic egg whites.
Whether you choose to be a vegetarian or not is a personal preference. You just need to make sure that whatever school of eating you belong to you just don’t overdo it with the fat. That means relax with the heavy portions of meat and for the vegetarians, go easy on the nuts and oils.
Whatever your personal goals may be, I can help get you there by designing a program specifically for you. I’ll teach you everything you need to know regarding diet, exercise, and stress management. From customized diets plans and personalized food shopping, to one on one yoga and meditation sessions – you can tailor the program to achieve your personal goals.
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