301-How to Handle Rejection by Women, For Men

In my last post I told the gals what to do “when the answer is no” (how to handle rejection). Although the guys should, in most cases, heed the same advice and move on to greener pastures after being rejected, they might have a second chance, under the right circumstances.

how to handle rejectionTiming is everything…for gals. You see, in most cases, if a guy meets the gal of his dreams, it doesn’t matter what else is going on in his life, specifically his dating life. Unless he’s in a really serious relationship on the verge of engagement, he will pursue his sought after prize. Sometimes he’ll do this so subtly that it will be almost impossible for his girlfriend to discover, even after he breaks up with her for some totally unrelated reason — “it’s not you, it’s me”. Most gals, however, are different. If a gal is dating someone and feels that there is potential, she will commit to seeing it through to marriage or breakup. She won’t continue looking around for something better. That means, even if she met you and thought you were funny, and kind of cute, she will reject you as long as this other guy is in the picture. He might even still be in the picture after they’ve broken up, if she continues to pine for him and ignore everything I said in my last post. In a case like this, where the gal rejected you because of “bad timing”, you might have a glimmer of hope, if you play your hand correctly.

My initial advice to you is to simply move on. The chances of bad timing gal ever giving you the time of day are slim at best, and it might take a painfully long time to happen. Why put yourself through all of the pain and heartache of watching her in the arms of another, while preventing yourself from meeting someone who actually does want to date you? MOVE ON!

If you’re still committed to your fantasy of winning over the object of your obsession, then your only chance is to NOT become a pest or a stalker. Just be nice and charming when you happen to see her. If she continues to show interest, let her know, in a casual and non-threatening way, that you would really like to date her and be prepared for the inevitable lighthearted brushoff. If you do it right, she will be flattered (women love to feel desirable) and will create a file for you in her memory that she will be able to reference if the need arises. There’s nothing else you can do but wait and hope for a miracle. Please brother, do yourself a big favor and continue dating seriously while waiting for your lottery ticket to hit. Do not expect your secret ploy to work. Having said that, I must be totally honest and tell you that I have seen a few guys get lucky and end up with the gal, so I guess it’s up to you to weigh the odds and place your bet.

There’s one more reason why you might not want to give up on the gal who rejected you. Some girls want to see a guy chase them a bit. They’re tired of falling into the traps laid by guys who measure their dating success in quantity and speed, and want to be sure that you are really serious about committing to making a relationship work, so they test you will and your stamina. If you still want them after getting pushed away once or twice, then you must mean business and be worth their attention. Just remember to be nice, polite, and respectful, and if she is adamant in her refusal, be nice, polite and respectful and “go on now go, walk out that door.”

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