301-What You Can Do To Make Sure You Always Look Your Best

If you’ve read any of my posts, especially Appearance Counts and First Impressions, you should already understand that the way you look is the most important factor in attracting a man and getting that first date. I’ll admit that a woman can become more attractive to a man if she’s exceptionally outgoing, lively, funny, or witty, but at the end of the day (or conversation) the man is going to put a lot more weight on whether he finds her physically attractive when he arrives at his final verdict to ask out or to blow off.

Ladies, you have two choices. You can either ignore this reality and go about your daily chores without bothering to pay it any heed, or you can do everything in your power to always look your best. Now if you’re one of those blessed with the gift of natural beauty worthy of the most treasured fashion magazines, you can walk around in torn sweatpants and a filthy t-shirt and you’ll still get the guys. Don’t even waste your time reading this. For the overwhelming majority of ladies reading this, the first choice will not increase your chances of getting dates. The second will.

So what can you do to make sure you always look your best? I thought about this a lot and realized that I can’t give you an answer. I know what makes a woman attractive when I see it, but don’t have the knowledge or skills to tell you what you need to do to increase your odds of attracting a man. So to make sure I give you best advice possible, I teamed up with an amazing woman, and new Jcoach Image Consultant, named Danielle Devorah Pashko.

Since I consider the Jcoach Image Consultant to be vital to the success of my readers, I made sure to meet with a bunch of NYC image consultants to see who would be the best fit, and the best value. Danielle Devorah won hands down. Here’s why. Not only is Danielle Devorah a fitness and nutrition consultant, most importantly, she’s a fashion model. That’s right she’s a model. She’s the image that men are comparing you to, so who better to help share with you the secrets of the trade and make you look amazing?

Let’s face it, you don’t want to have an image consultant who is just ok looking and pretty put together. That’s like having a personal trainer who’s overweight or out of shape. You want an image consultant who literally gets paid to look her best. Danielle Devorah is a model! That’s her photo at the top of this blog post!

There are things that you could be doing to look better. Perhaps it’s the style of clothing you wear and how it makes your figure look, or maybe it’s your particular hair style and the way it gels with your facial structure, or maybe it’s your coloring or posture or … this is not my expertise. It’s Danielle Devorah’s. If you’re not sure if you need her help, then it’s absolutely worth your while to meet with her. You will see a difference. You will look your best.

Don’t wait any longer. Start increasing your chances of success and look your best NOW.

Click here to read a bit more about Danielle Devorah and her rates, and to set up an appointment and get you special Jcoach discounted rate.

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  1. […] in the comments section), but I think you get the picture. You can’t fundamentally change how you look, what you do, or your personality and if someone doesn’t like what you have to offer enough […]

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