301-How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?

Keeping up with a regular exercise program is important for so many reasons. While some people let stress or a bad day get them in a funk, I take the opposite approach and force myself to exercise or practice yoga. I love the feeling of adrenalin from a good work out and when the endorphins start kicking in it completely changes my mood.

On average I try to maintain at least 60 minutes of yoga, cycling, or aerobic walking 5- 6 days a week. Besides putting me in an improved mental state, I know that I’m working towards better health and a fit body.

There are several opinions on how much you need to exercise each day. Your doctor may tell you that 20-30 minutes is sufficient, but if you are looking beyond basic health maintenance that’s really the minimum you should be doing. I am not saying you should take on a goal like running the NY Marathon, but staying active is crucial. If you are not someone that likes the gym there are plenty of other ways to get in your exercise. If you live in Manhattan walking is probably the easiest thing you can do. I regularly walk to and from work and appointments all day. I always carry a big bag with a change of flats so I don’t kill my feet. Even though I live in an elevator building, I try to take the stairs often as well.

I also recommend keeping a yoga mat in your apartment. If you don’t know anything about yoga, start off with a few classes or a private yoga instructor to get yourself acquainted. Ideally it’s best to practice in a studio, but if that’s not an option I recommend doing a light self practice from home a few days a week. Incorporating 20- 30 minutes of sun salutations, stretching, and good breathing along with walking throughout the day will surely keep you in shape.

If you need a gym environment to keep to you motivated, make sure to do enough cardiovascular exercise. Many of my clients say that they can’t get into the shape they want and they work out every day. Using machines and lifting weights without adequate cardio will not get you desired results. It is important to cross train by doing different exercises on different days. Included in that should be at least 30 minutes of cycling, elliptical, treadmill, or stair master. Then you should do weight bearing exercises focusing on targeted groups of muscles. If you work on shoulders and biceps, you should not work those muscles again for 48 hours to allow them to rest. The following day you can focus on different muscles such as chest and triceps.

For ladies who are afraid to become too muscular by lifting weights, I assure you there is a way to work out so that never happens. Start with very light weight such as 5 or 7lb dumbbells. Instead of working out like a body builder who lifts heavy weights with light repetitions, you should do plenty of repetitions with your light weights. In between each exercise don’t rest. Instead go right to working on another muscle group. For example, if you just did 20 repetitions of shoulders don’t stop for 30 seconds and sit down. Keep moving by going straight into lunges, pushups, or abdominals. Then, when you finish that set, you should move back into shoulders. By staying active, you are sculpting your body into a leaner shape.

Before you are finished, end the workout with stretching. You only need to spend a couple of minutes and it allows your body to cool down. By doing this for just 10 minutes it will prevent you from getting tight and keep you supple as you age.

Whatever your personal goals may be, I can help get you there by designing a program specifically for you. I’ll teach you everything you need to know regarding diet, exercise, and stress management. From customized diets plans and personalized food shopping, to one on one yoga and meditation sessions – you can tailor the program to achieve your personal goals.

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