One Thing You Can Do To Become a Better Dater
Dating is a process of discovery that culminates either in marriage…

Coronavirus Dating: 6 Tips to Improve Your Dating Life
Dating during the coronavirus pandemic has been turned upside…

5 Reasons Why Men Stay Single
Why do men stay single?
If you're a woman who's finally decided…

This is More Effective than Hiring a Dating Coach. [Hint: it’s also much cheaper]
Dating coaches are not all created equal, and some are obviously…

Why So Many Men Stay Single [ Infographic ]
Trying to figure out why so many men choose to remain single…

Long Distance Relationships – How to Make Them Work
One of the questions singles most often asked is whether getting…

When a Man Decides That He Wants to Get Married, He Does
You heard right. I firmly believe this to be a truth: when a…

When is a Man Too Old to Marry and Raise a Family?
The answer to the first part of the question, "When is a man…

How NOT to Communicate in a Relationship
Communication is Vital in Relationships
Proper communication…

What To Do If He Isn’t Asking You Out on a Second Date?
Why no second date request?
Here's a dating question that one…

How Long Is Too Long to Stay in a Relationship that Isn’t Moving Forward?
I just heard about a young woman who ended a 10 year relationship…

How to know if a girl likes you? [A Guy’s Dilemma]
After publishing "Does He Like Me? Here's the Real Answer" I…