301-Can Your Diet Make You Look Younger and Better?
Looking young and attractive has a lot more to do with diet then you may think. Obviously eating wrong can make you fat, but it directly corresponds to the way you age and the quality of your hair, skin, and nails. I find Facebook to be amazing in that it can connect you to friends from the past, but at the same time I am totally freaked out when I see how old so many of my friends that I grew up with now look. I can’t even recognize half of them!
After helping develop a detox diet program with Dr. Jeffrey Morrison, author of Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your Mind: Eliminate Environmental Toxins to Lose Weight, Increase Energy, and Reverse Illness in 30 Days or Less, I began to clearly make the connection between foods and aging. Yes, genes definitely play a role in our appearance, but the dietary choices we make can directly affect the way our genes express themselves.
One of the main contributors of premature aging is inflammation. Some of the foods that cause inflammation are sugar, processed meats, and refined starches like pasta, bread, and cereals. Many times bread that claims to be whole wheat is actually still artificial and just caramelized for color. Even some vegetables (although healthy) when eaten too often can cause problems. Those included are from the night shade family such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers.
Some of the best foods to combat inflammation are organic whole fruits and berries, green leafy vegetables, wild salmon, raw almonds, walnuts, and healthy fats like avocado and olive oil. Even red wine has great anti-inflammatory properties if you drink it in moderation.
I am fortunate to be working with Dr. Oz Garcia who is one of the leading authorities in nutrition and Anti-Aging. Not only do I apply principles of his anti-inflammatory diet with my own clients, but I see how eating this way has benefited him personally. Dr. Garcia is 60 years old and through living what he preaches, he doesn’t look a day over 40!
In addition to eating well, I still make sure to get facials regularly to keep my skin looking young. My personal favorite is The Apple Stem Cell Facial at Renew Spa in Manhattan. If facials are not within your budget I suggest exfoliating your face regularly and always using a good moisturizer. This applies to men too!
The last 3 tips are about sleep, stress, and sunscreen. Sleeping helps to produce (HGH) Growth Hormone which keeps you looking young. Stress we all know is bad and can decrease blood flow and nourishment to the skin. And if you are dying for that Hampton’s tan this summer, I suggest going for the spray tan instead. In the long run it will prevent you from premature wrinkles and you can maintain your color all year round!
Whatever your personal goals may be, I can help get you there by designing a program specifically for you. I’ll teach you everything you need to know regarding diet, exercise, and stress management. From customized diets plans and personalized food shopping, to one on one yoga and meditation sessions – you can tailor the program to achieve your personal goals.
Fill out the form to contact me and take charge of your appearance and wellness. For rates, click here.
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