301-Can a Toaster Oven Make You Look and Feel Better?

One of the biggest obstacles for getting my clients to eat healthy is making cooking fast and easy. Personally, I don’t mind cooking if I’m entertaining, but I feel like it can be a waste to spend so much time in the kitchen if it’s just for me. Cooking up complicated meals can also be difficult when living in Manhattan. Kitchen space is sometimes small, and if you have a tiny apartment using the stove can really heat up the apartment in the summertime.

This can be a dilemma if you are only eating kosher. If you don’t make your meals at home, then you are limited to either spending a fortune on takeout or eating unhealthy foods like deli sandwiches, falafel, pizza, and shwarma. It’s annoying when I pass up health food cafés like The Pump or Energy Kitchen because, of course, they aren’t kosher.

So although it takes some effort, if you want to eat well (i.e. healthy) you must make your meals at home. I have actually mastered a way to do this without making so much of a fuss in my kitchen. Literally every meal I cook is made in my Toaster oven. I have never even turned on my stove and have been living in my apartment for almost four years! And no, I’m not living on grilled cheese and waffles…I do almost all of my shopping at Trader Joe’s and spend roughly $50 a week on groceries. They have an awesome selection of kosher and organic meats, fruits, and vegetables.

Every day I eat super healthy meals like grilled chicken with roasted beets and butternut squash, or grilled salmon with brussel sprouts and asparagus. Just turn on your toaster oven, put tin foil down on a baking tray, throw your food on top, spray with some non fat olive oil cooking spray and season. Come back in 30 minutes and Voila, you have a gourmet meal! When I’m not TOASTING, I’ll switch it up to yummy salads with tofu, hard boiled eggs, broccoli slaw, and avocado. I’ve included some easy recipes that I use, at the end of this post.

I’m super health conscious, so for me this is the only way I can maintain my way of eating and keep in good shape. No more excuses for all the bachelors and lazy girls out there. Cooking has now been made simple and painless. Just get a good toaster oven and your diet can be transformed!

Whatever your personal goals may be, I can help get you there by designing a program specifically for you. I’ll teach you everything you need to know regarding diet, exercise, and stress management.  From customized diets plans and personalized food shopping, to one on one yoga and meditation sessions – you can tailor the program to achieve your personal goals.

Fill out the form to contact me and take charge of your appearance and wellness. For rates, click here.
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Baked Chicken
Preheat Toaster to 350 on bake
Use 1 Package of Empire Kosher Chicken (boneless and skinless)
Wash and pat dry with paper towel
Place tin foil on baking sheet
Apply non fat olive cooking spray
Add salt, pepper, and garlic
Bake for 30 minutes

Roasted Vegetables
Buy all the ingredients at Trader Joes and you won’t need any prep time to cut or
wash vegetables.
Preheat Toaster to 375 on bake
Use pre- packaged box of fresh beets
Use pre- washed bag of brussel sprouts
Use pre- washed bag of cauliflower
Use pre- packaged cubed butternut squash
Place tin foil on baking sheet
Empty all vegetables on baking sheet
Apply non fat olive oil cooking spray
Add salt and pepper to taste
Cook for 35- 40 minutes (depending on how crispy you like your vegetables)

Baked Salmon
Preheat Toaster to 375 on bake
Place tin foil on baking sheet
Arrange salmon on baking tray
Apply non fat olive oil cooking spray
Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder
Bake for 20 minutes

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