A Meaningful Mother’s Day Idea

I’ve never been a big fan of Mother’s Day, or any other made up appreciation day. I think it’s a guy thing, but I don’t want to pull all of those “Day” loving men down into the dog house with me, so I’ll just assume my apathy is unique to me, something only my close female family members and friends need to deal with (my Dad couldn’t care less either, so maybe it’s just a Singer family thing).

I never really understood the idea of a single day to appreciate someone. Shouldn’t everyday be Mother’s Day? Well, of course it should. Unfortunately, it isn’t.

This Mother’s Day (Sunday May 8th, for all my buds) is special for me. Last year I didn’t have anyone to show special appreciation to, since my Mother had passed away 8 months earlier, and our son Yehuda was born May 10th, the day after Mother’s day. This year my wife bears the title of Mom, and I know first hand that she’s earned it.

You see, until this past year, I really didn’t have a complete appreciation or understanding of what the Mom title truly entails, but watching my wife take care of my son, I finally get it. Now I finally understand what my Mom went through…the selflessness and sacrifice, the total devotion and tireless dedication, the boundless love and caring that defines the bond between a mother and her child. Sure, as a father my love for and connection to my child is no less intense, but it’s just not quite the same. The connection between mother and child can’t be defined. It is a combination of nature and the supernatural, straddling the realms of biology and spirituality. A child, once part of his or her mother, never fully separates, in a spiritual sense. That special bond remains forever, even after one passes on.

Yes, we should celebrate Mother’s Day every day of our lives, but Man doesn’t work that way. We get busy with the details of life and often get distracted from the truly important things we should always focus on. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s just part of the reality of life. That’s why we need to create specific times to force ourselves to focus on things we don’t want to forget. Holidays, independence days, Sabbath Days, and yes, Mother’s Day.

I wish my mother was still here so that I could finally show her the honor and appreciation that I never quite understood she deserved until I became a parent. I will try my best to show it to the mother of my son. For those of you lucky enough to have mother’s, make you sure you show them the honor and gratitude they deserve.

And guys, by the way, flowers and/or gifts are important (you can use the banner ads on this page), so make sure you don’t forget!

Wishing all the wonderful Moms a very meaningful and fulfilling Mother’s Day.

Keep reading jcoach.com for more dating advice and relationship advice, and please contact me if you’d like personal coaching or advice.

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