301- 5 Steps to Long Distance Relationship Success [video]

In this video Arnie expounds on the 5 tips for turning a long distance relationship into a committed long term relationship (and marriage).

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4 replies
  1. Rochel Golda
    Rochel Golda says:

    Dear Rabbi Singer

    I don’t understand your term in step #5 “long term committed relationship”. I would not move at that point without getting married. There would be no point to moving without real commitment – only marriage. Is that what you meant? Please clarify so I know if I’m on the right page here.

    Shabbat Shalom

    • Arnie Singer
      Arnie Singer says:

      I agree, you want to move with a ring on your finger but some people might need a bit more comfort with the decision to marry and might feel that they need to live in the same place to get that. Yes, it’s a huge risk but if that’s what you need to do to make the big decision, then you should do it. I would try to make it a temporary move, for a month or 2, and not uproot your entire life (and career) back home just in case things don’t go as planned.


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  1. […] doesn’t really matter whether it’s long distance or just in a different neighborhood. Under normal circumstances, it’s the man’s job to […]

  2. […] If you decide to take the long distance plunge, here are some tips that I think you must follow in order to make sure you end up with a successful relationship instead of a broken heart and a lot of wasted time. You can also watch this video. […]

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