301-5 Common Sense Tips to Look and Feel Better

I’m definitely no fitness or nutrition expert. That’s what Danielle Devorah Pashko does. But I realize that most of you are not going to meet with her, or any other expert, because you’re too busy, too lazy, or just not interested. Since I am an average guy who tries to take care of himself and follow basic healthy practices, I decided to reach out to all the average guys and gals out there and share the common sense things I try to do to stay fit and put together. Some of these things might seem so obvious that I shouldn’t even be wasting my time writing them, but you’d be surprised how many of us ignore common sense and just do “whatever whenever” without much thought as to the consequences of our actions.

So here are my average (lazy) guy tips to staying relatively fit, healthy, and put together (if you’ve got a medical condition, please consult your doctor before following any of my suggestions):

  1. Eat Stuff That Grows
  2. If God made it, it must be good for you. Eat salad, veggies, fruit, all that good stuff that you’re not eating now. They have few calories and lots of nutrients, vitamins, anti-oxidants, and all those good things that you hear about on late night infomercials. Take it easy on the potatoes though, especially if they’re fried in oil and come in a bag or next to a burger.

  3. Cut Back on the Junk
  4. I’d like to say cut out the junk, but I’m being realistic here. Stop eating burgers and fries or pizza every night. Try a veggie burger. Steer clear of the cookies, candy, doughnuts, cake, etc. There’s nothing healthy about them and they make you fat. They say dark chocolate is good for the heart, so have a little of that. It’ll quench that sweet tooth and you can’t have too much of that bitter sweet stuff anyway. If you can’t NOT have some junkie sweets, then drastically cut down the amount you have. Instead of eating half a box of Entenmanns cookies, just have a few (that means no more than 3). Instead of an entire large chocolate bar, have a few squares.

    I’ve found that when I cut out the junkie sweets for a few days, I lose the taste for them and no longer crave them. Try it yourself.

    Another easy thing you can do is start drinking water instead of whatever else your drinking. It’s healthy in many ways and does lots of important stuff in your system, and it’s got 0 calories. No more soda or flavored soft drinks filled with calories, sugars, and chemicals. Drink water.

  5. Don’t eat late at night
  6. I honestly don’t know the exact science behind it, but the food you eat before bed seems to stay with you a lot longer. Don’t ask me why. Just give yourself at least a couple of hours before bed.

  7. Be aware of what you’re eating
  8. I’ve never been a calorie counter. It’s just too complicated and too much trouble. I do, however, keep a general tally of what I eat during the day. For example, if I have a lot of carbs at lunch, I’ll try to cut out the carbs at dinner and have some protein. If I have a cookie I’ll cut out the potato chips. It’s by no means exact, but by taking note of what I eat I can maintain a healthy balance by making adjustments to my food intake throughout the day.

  9. Try to exercise
  10. This is a tough one for many, myself included. Some people can go to the gym 3 times a week or more and burn off those extra calories. If you can’t, that doesn’t mean that you’re off the hook. You don’t need to go to a gym to burn calories. The easiest way to start burning away those unwanted calories is by walking. When possible, don’t take the subway or a cab. Leave yourself some extra time and walk instead. Walk up and down the stairs to your apartment. Walk, walk, walk, every opportunity you have.

These are my common sense fitness and health tips for the average Joe or Jane. It’s not the ideal way to go, but if you can’t bring yourself to get on a real fitness and nutrition program, it’ll give you something to work with.

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  1. […] you should take on a goal like running the NY Marathon, but staying active is crucial. If you are not someone that likes the gym there are plenty of other ways to get in your exercise. If you live in Manhattan walking is […]

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